Henrik Wahlstedt wrote:

>I would like to know how to compare volume names in volumes and libvolumes
>with a select statement. Or if there are other ways to determine missing
>volumes? I use
>ex. I dont use DRM but I send my volumes offsite and update their access to
>offsite. I bring back my volumes onsite, I do a checkin and an 'upd vol *
>access=readw wherestg=copypool whereaccess=offsite wherestatus=empty'.
>If the volumes arent checked in the library or by some reason still are
>offsite when they are updated I will miss/need them sooner or later... How
>do I find eventually missing volumes?
>Dont suggest using DRM, I will if there is a need for that product (server
>to server).
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>Thank you.
Hi Tia,

I see you have several answers already, however nobody has mentioned
using the "move media" and the "q media" commands.  That is exactly what
they are intended to do, i.e. manage tape volumes (both primary and
copy) in an automated library.  I then just take it one step further and
use the "cmd" attribute to build a macro that does my "update vols" to
set the access to offsite.  For the return trip, I simply do a "q vol"
similar to your "upd vol" above to get a list of the volumes that need
to come home, again I use the "cmd" attribute to build my macro to do
the "upd vol" commands.  Since all my volumes start life as scratch
volumes (i.e. not private and added to stgpool by "def vol") as soon as
I do the "upd vol acc=readw ..." the volumes become scratch volumes.  At
that point I either check them into the library as scratch or put them
aside as scratch volumes to be checked in later.  I have done this at
several locations to replace the offsite tape management feature of DRM.
 However, there is one more tape management feature that DRM handles and
that is your DB backup volumes.  I handle this thru "upd volh", "q
volh", "del volh" and some simple scripting to check the volumes out,
 And as before, when its time for the tape to come home I simply do the
"del volh" and its a scratch tape again.

As far as your first question about comparing volume names between the
"volumes" table and the "libvolumes" table, I am not sure that would
give you what you are looking for.  I guess you would have to give me
more criteria for the search, i.e list volume names in "volumes" but not
in "libvolumes" and volume access is not offsite.  If you can provide
that I will be glad to write the select for you.

I hope this helped and good luck to you.

Mark D. Rodriguez
President MDR Consulting, Inc.

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