> I have some volumes which appears in a "q libv" as
>follows...(ythis is just one of them)
> 3575LIB1 11824F Private 59
>The usual forth field of "Data" is not displayed. Does this mean that this
>is a "scratchable" tape???
>Also, from the actlog, the last entry for this tape is an atempted checkin,
>which has failed as ADSM says that the tape is already in the library.
>The next most recent entry for the tape is a "checkout" from the library,
>which has failed, because the tape it got was the wrong one(I think the
>inventory is stuffed.)
The fourth field from Query LIBVolume, Last Use, may be blank if the volume was
last used for a DUMPDB operation or, more commonly, the volume is empty and
Defined to a storage pool. Query Volume should tell you more.
This is where your Activity Log comes into play. Customers should have entries
going back as far as any volume is likely to have a single use, which may be a
year or more. That is, you want to be able to determine what happened to
volumes in their last transition (from Scratch to Private, for example).
Perform a Query ACtlog search on those volumes to determine what has been
happening to them.
Richard Sims, BU