This is one of the reasons why I don't use scratch volumes, I prefer to assign each volume a storage pool. So even when the volume is empty, it still belongs to the pool and can be seen by a q vol . The other advantage is that you control very precisely the utilisation of each tape. I must admit that I have a small configuration with about 40 tapes and that it could not be as easy with hundreds of tapes. For me, the only disadvantage of that solution is that you have to manage yourself the occupancy of your storagepools and add volumes when needed instead of letting TSM taking care of that with the scratch tapes. On the other side, you can be sure that you won't have a storage pool taking all the scratch tapes while you need them more in an other storage pool. But most of time, people oversize a bit their library so that they don't have such problems.
Etienne GUILLAUMONT e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] RGB Technologie Parc d'Innovation, Batiment PYTHAGORE 11 Rue Jean SAPIDUS 67400 ILLKIRCH Tél : 03 90 40 60 60 Fax : 03 90 40 60 61 Henrik Wahlstedt To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <shwl@STATOIL cc: .COM> Subject: Re: missing volumes Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] RIST.EDU> 29/08/02 14:57 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" I do, but if I for some reason only get 9 of 10 volumes back where access=offsite and status=empty, and I did not notice that one is missing. Following will happen after I checked in my 9 volumes and vol 000146 is not checked in. After a time, how would I know that my missing volume is vol 000146? tsm: STO-W03>q vol st=emp Volume Name Storage Device Estimated Pct Volume Pool Name Class Name Capacity Util Status (MB) ------------------------ ----------- ---------- --------- ----- -------- 000146 COPYPOOL DLTCLASS 0.0 0.0 Empty tsm: STO-W03>upd vol 000146 access=readw wherestg=copypool whereaccess=offsite w herestatus=empty ANR2208I Volume 000146 deleted from storage pool COPYPOOL. tsm: STO-W03>q vol 000146 ANR2034E QUERY VOLUME: No match found using this criteria. ANS8001I Return code 11. tsm: STO-W03>q libv stk9710 000146 ANR2034E QUERY LIBVOLUME: No match found using this criteria. ANS8001I Return code 11. //Henrik GUILLAUMONT Etienne <eguillau@RGB-TECHN To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OLOGIE.FR> cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: Re: missing volumes Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] DU> 2002-08-29 14:01 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" Why don't you just check the volumes whose access is offsite and whose status is empty ? This is what I do. And to be sure that all volumes present in library are in an readwrite status, I just put all the volumes of the copypool in offsite state and then all the volumes of the libvol in readwrite state. For that, I use a Shell script which is below. The only thing which is special is that I only have private volumes and all the volumes of my copy pool have a name starting with 'COP' But I guess it wouldn't be very difficult to make a check on the libvol volumes to select the ones which belong to the copy pool #!/bin/ksh LIBVOLS=$(dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin "select volume_name from libvolumes where volume_name like 'C%'" | grep COP) TOTVOLS=$(dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin "select volume_name from volumes where volume_name like 'C%'" | grep COP) for VOL in $TOTVOLS do dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin "upd vol $VOL acc=offsite" done for VOL in $LIBVOLS do dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin "upd vol $VOL acc=readw" done Etienne GUILLAUMONT e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] RGB Technologie Parc d'Innovation, Batiment PYTHAGORE 11 Rue Jean SAPIDUS 67400 ILLKIRCH Tél : 03 90 40 60 60 Fax : 03 90 40 60 61 Henrik Wahlstedt To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <shwl@STATOIL cc: .COM> Subject: missing volumes Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] RIST.EDU> 29/08/02 12:45 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" Hello, I would like to know how to compare volume names in volumes and libvolumes with a select statement. Or if there are other ways to determine missing volumes? I use ex. I dont use DRM but I send my volumes offsite and update their access to offsite. I bring back my volumes onsite, I do a checkin and an 'upd vol * access=readw wherestg=copypool whereaccess=offsite wherestatus=empty'. If the volumes arent checked in the library or by some reason still are offsite when they are updated I will miss/need them sooner or later... How do I find eventually missing volumes? Dont suggest using DRM, I will if there is a need for that product (server to server). tia \\Henrik ------------------------------------------------------------------- The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is intended for the addressee only. Any unauthorised use, dissemination of the information or copying of this message is prohibited. If you are not the addressee, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is intended for the addressee only. Any unauthorised use, dissemination of the information or copying of this message is prohibited. If you are not the addressee, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete this message. Thank you.