Thank you Thiha
        Actually at first I just increase from 60 to 120 but after a while
it was happen now I've make it to be 240 just afraid that it
might effect some things..e.g.performance...
        So does that means for RMAN it's recommended to be 600? If yes then
I'll better change it again before it happen again..:)


Thida Chintawongvanich

SAP Infrastructure Support Team (SITI-ISPS/31)
Shell Information Technology International Sdn., Bhd.
2340 Century Square
Jln Ushawan 63000 Cyberjaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Tel : +603 8313 3446 : Fax : +603 251 2788 )
*Personal EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Thiha Than [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:31 AM
Subject:        Need help... got error from tdp oracle

hi Thida,

If your commtimeout value on TSM server is 60 (seconds), it's too low. Yes
it might work for b/a client type of backups not with TDPO.  RMAN doesn't
backup NULL blocks.  So it takes time for RMAN to scan through the Oracle
data block to gather data.  Increasing commtimeout value doesn't hurt
anything except when the client is actually hung and doesn't sign off from
the server, server will not disconnect your client session for the
specified amount of time.  So you will see inactive client sessions for a
little bit longer on the server console.  The only way to fix your problem
is to increase commtimeout value to about 600.


>Can anybody help please....
>I 've got this error..
>After run the tdp oracle
>TcpRead(): recv(): errno = 73
>09/28/01   09:23:50 sessRecvVerb: Error -50 from call to 'readRtn'.
>09/28/01   09:23:50 cuConfirm: Received rc: -50 trying to receive
>ConfirmResp verb
>09/28/01   09:23:50 TcpFlush: Error 9 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket
>09/28/01   09:23:50 sessSendVerb: Error sending Verb, rc: -50
>09/28/01   09:23:50 TcpFlush: Error 9 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket
>09/28/01   09:23:50 sessSendVerb: Error sending Verb, rc: -50

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