Anyway, thanks a lot Zlatko.
        Now it's can work by increase commtimeout from 60 to 120 which
actually I'm not really agree with this due to others adsm/tsm server also
set 60 and it can work fine...
        Not sure whether it is because of version not compatible or not.
        Adsm server is only versin 2.1 but client 4.2 and tdp oracle....seem
to be possible that version is too much different...but Filesystems can be
backed up....and also tdp oracle can backed up oracle instance that is very
small size....
        These make me confuse...
        Do you have any idea?


Thida Chintawongvanich

SAP Infrastructure Support Team (SITI-ISPS/31)
Shell Information Technology International Sdn., Bhd.
2340 Century Square
Jln Ushawan 63000 Cyberjaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Tel : +603 8313 3446 : Fax : +603 251 2788 )
*Personal EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Zlatko Krastev/ACIT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, October 02, 2001 1:16 PM
Subject:        Re: Need help... got error from tdp oracle

Look carefully to socket number 4294967295 unsigned long means -1 long,
i.e. error creating socket. So for some reason you are unable to establish
TCP connection between client and server. Same problem was reported by
"PINNI, BALANAND (SBCSI)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in thread "One of the clients
gave the error but tcp/ip connection is ok.wha t else?".
Try to look together what is in common between both environments (was API
client recently upgraded? At what level the server is? Was the server fresh
installed? From what version was it upgraded?). This can narrow the search.
Also point to Tivoli support that this is something other customer already
has. Maybe there the reason was pinpointed.

I cannot help more - still do not have DPO.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Thida Chin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 28.09.2001
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:        Need help... got error from tdp oracle

Can anybody help please....
I 've got this error..
After run the tdp oracle
TcpRead(): recv(): errno = 73
09/28/01   09:23:50 sessRecvVerb: Error -50 from call to 'readRtn'.
09/28/01   09:23:50 cuConfirm: Received rc: -50 trying to receive
ConfirmResp verb
09/28/01   09:23:50 TcpFlush: Error 9 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket
09/28/01   09:23:50 sessSendVerb: Error sending Verb, rc: -50
09/28/01   09:23:50 TcpFlush: Error 9 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket
09/28/01   09:23:50 sessSendVerb: Error sending Verb, rc: -50


Thida Chintawongvanich

SAP Infrastructure Support Team (SITI-ISPS/31)
Shell Information Technology International Sdn., Bhd.
2340 Century Square
Jln Ushawan 63000 Cyberjaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Tel : +603 8313 3446 : Fax : +603 251 2788 )
*Personal EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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