Dear *SMers ,
I am unable to solve problem with TSM scheduler on AIX - I have to say I am
far from AIX expert.
My configuration is following : TSM server on AIX 4.3.3
TSM client 4.1.2 on AIX 4.3.3
with SAP on Adabas.
TSM scheduler is started from inittab , backup of filesystems is running
withou any problem. I prepared simple script for SAP backup - script do su
to db admin
account and starts adabas backup to TSM - but I receive rc=1 from
scheduled event ( command ) in dsmsched.log . I tried to start dsmc sched in
foreground and schedule runs OK . Is there some special setting for Korn
scripts started from TSM scheduler ? Where can I find rc from Korn shell on
I tried to redirect output from dsmc sched in inittab to file - but there is
no additional information , I add some ls commands to script and script runs
them correctly and ends on su .... .
Thank you for any idea
Petr Prerost