>TSM scheduler is started from inittab , backup of filesystems is running withou
>any problem. I prepared simple script for SAP backup - script do su to db admin
>account and starts adabas backup to TSM - but I receive rc=1 from scheduled
>event ( command ) in dsmsched.log . I tried to start dsmc sched in foreground
>and schedule runs OK . Is there some special setting for Korn scripts started
>from TSM scheduler ?

Petr - I think you need to post an illustration of what it is you are
       attempting.  General advice when starting a Unix process to run
in the background is to redirect Stdin, Stdout, and Stderr, like:
  someprogram > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null  &
(or send Stdout and Stderr to a file, to see any msgs).
Be aware that inittab runs things under sh, not ksh.  See man page.

   Richard Sims, BU

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