I am going to call this a bug, since reading the new PDF docs (from
) says this about the old style passwords:

*When you upgrade to the IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.2 or later client from
an earlier client that uses theold password locations, the existing
passwords are migrated to the following files in the new passwordstore:*

Does anyone know the dsmcutil command line it is using so I can work around
this issue?  I made an automated installer that does the pre-reqs and
creates the DSM.OPT file during install

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 9:48 AM Tom Alverson <tom.alver...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just tried a few upgrades from to the latest Baclient
> and after it was done the storage server would not accept the password.  I
> had to get the password reset on the storage server before I could
> connect.  When installing version I noticed a popup CMD screen
> during install that said "Command: Migrate Stored Passwords from Registry"
> coming from dsmcutil.  I searched the logs and the help file but I could
> not find any documented command to migrate the password.
> Is this a bug in the installer?  Does anyone know the command line
> I could run to force this migration?  Our TSM storage servers are all still
> at so we are not even using the new authentication methods, but I
> have to use at least 8.1.7.x on new Server 2019 installs.
> Tom

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