> Do you guys think that would be worth an RFE? I think so, yes. We're struggling with the same problem; for now we were just ignoring those ANR2728E messages, because avoiding them would make our daily maintenance script way to complicated. We have an open PMR at the moment where IBM support is asking us the following:
--- I noticed in the ACT LOG, there are a lot of ANR2728E. ANR2728E REPLICATE NODE: Node CLGHV001_DBGHV001PROD cannot be replicated because it is not in the SEND or SYNCSEND mode. (SESSION: 2937994, PROCESS: 5406) Are these nodes supposed to be replicated? If so, please have the customer correct the issue. Otherwise, I recommend the customer remove them from their replication. This will keep things clean and not add any extra noise as we analyze the problem. --- Yes, well, if there were an elegant way of removing them from replication, we would. Two servers doing cross replication seems like an obvious setup, where you will always bump into this problem. A replicate node option like you describe would help us out and apparently answers to a need of IBM support as well. Regards, Frederik de Kezel -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Stefan Folkerts Sent: maandag 30 januari 2017 09:50 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] Thinking about replicate node command RFE, feedback welcome Hi all, I'm thinking about creating an RFE for the replicate node command but I was wondering if I might be missing something so obvious that my RFE would be nonsense. I try to create setups without and errors or warnings from housekeeping scripts. I also try to work with opt-out mechanisms as much as possible for customers that agree to use that backup philosophy. When you build a two-way replicating Spectrum Protect setup using node replication (with or without protect stgpool) you get a LOT of errors of this type. ANR2728E REPLICATE NODE: Node <Nodename> cannot be replicated because it is not in the SEND or SENDSYNC mode. You either have to use nodegroups, single nodes or accept these messages, this doesn't work with an opt-out policy. Why isn't there a replicate node option like with move drmedia where you can say something like wherereplstate=SEND,SENDSYNC. Do you guy's think that would be worth an RFE? Regards, Stefan