On 20.1.2017. 15:06, Skylar Thompson wrote:
> We run TSM on CentOS6 x86_64 without problems, with HP LTO5 and LTO6, and
> IBM LTO7 drives and a pair of ACSLS-managed STK SL3000 libraries. We
> haven't had any problems - technical, support, or otherwise. I think the
> only unusual thing we had to do was pass

Same here - we run it with IBM LTO2-LTO7 with IBM TS3500 and TS4500 tape
libraries on CentOS 5 to 7 x86_64, and ZERO problems with that :-)


Sasa Drnjevic

> -vmargs "-DBYPASS_TSM_REQ_CHECKS=true"
> to install.sh for the initial install.
> As Del notes, there might be some pushback on tape device support, but we
> haven't had any problems so can't comment on how it actually plays out.
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 06:10:46PM -0600, Roger Deschner wrote:
>> Management here is contemplating having us move our production TSM
>> servers to the CentOS Linux operating system, which is a free branch of
>> Red Hat.
>> Has anybody done this? What are the support issues with IBM?
>> (TSM Client is already supported on CentOS via "Best effort".)
>> Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     rog...@uic.edu
>> ======I have not lost my mind -- it is backed up on tape somewhere.=====
> --
> -- Skylar Thompson (skyl...@u.washington.edu)
> -- Genome Sciences Department, System Administrator
> -- Foege Building S046, (206)-685-7354
> -- University of Washington School of Medicine

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