Hello, I'm just installing the same configuration to try... ... let's see.
Maurizio Il 20.01.2017 01:10, Roger Deschner ha scritto:
Management here is contemplating having us move our production TSM servers to the CentOS Linux operating system, which is a free branch of Red Hat. Has anybody done this? What are the support issues with IBM? (TSM Client is already supported on CentOS via "Best effort".) Roger Deschner University of Illinois at Chicago rog...@uic.edu ======I have not lost my mind -- it is backed up on tape somewhere.=====
-- Cordiali saluti / Meilleures salutations Maurizio Teruzzi https://www.linkedin.com/in/teruzzi Join my computation group for social aid. https://join.worldcommunitygrid.org?recruiterId=184105&teamId=K85XNJBR9N1 I- Pensate al impatto ambientale prima di stampare questa email F- Pensez à l'environnement avant d'imprimer cet email E- Please consider your environmental concern before printing this email