Hi All,

In case you missed the announcement on Tuesday (December 6, 2016), IBM 
announced IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.0. You can download it today.

Here is the announcement letter.

You can find the User's Guides under the "Spectrum Protect" name here:

A few highlights of IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.0:

* Extends virtual environments integration
--> Built for the VMware administrator with more vSphere Web Client 
--> Simplified experience means faster configuration and deployment
--> Scale up with faster backups and restores

* Expands hybrid cloud solutions
--> Easily transition from FILE, VTL or tape to directory and cloud pools
--> Automated conversion that handles all the details for you

* Advances snapshot support
--> Simplify storage snapshot provisioning in Spectrum Virtualize Metro 
and Global Mirrored environments
--> Make Windows snapshots even more compelling
--> Perform faster backups for multi-partition DB2 databases

Look in the "What's New" section of the User's Guides to see more details.

Thank you,


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