Maurice Drane - Engineer  - ( Data Centres )
Portfolio Management and IT Services
Cardiff University
Data Centre Operations

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
Strilecky, Douglas
Sent: 08 December 2016 12:34
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] ADSM-L Digest - 6 Dec 2016 to 7 Dec 2016 (#2016-241)

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-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of ADSM-L 
automatic digest system
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2016 12:00 AM
Subject: ADSM-L Digest - 6 Dec 2016 to 7 Dec 2016 (#2016-241)

There are 7 messages totalling 489 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. 3 Generation (GFS)  Backup Schedule setup using TSM (2)
  2. problem after 7.1.5 upgrade:  ANS1708E ... Only root can do this operation
  3. Antwort: [ADSM-L] problem after 7.1.5 upgrade:  ANS1708E ... Only root can
     do this operation (2)
  4. Strange problem with the same ACTIVELOG files opened multiple times


Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 2016 07:32:34 +0100
From:    Markus Engelhard <>
Subject: 3 Generation (GFS)  Backup Schedule setup using TSM

Hello Andreas,

sorry to hear tat this sort of thing is still happening this century...
Have you had a look at container pools and dedup? It would ease the 
storage-side pain quite a bit, with drawbacks in taking copies to tape.
I have been testing the dedup + compression feature, an apart from handling of 
copies of the data, Data reduction has been impressive even with incrforever 
data with limited influence on performance.
Test was with SP

Kind regards,


Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 2016 07:18:33 +0000
From:    =?iso-8859-1?Q?Anders_R=E4ntil=E4?= <>
Subject: Re: 3 Generation (GFS)  Backup Schedule setup using TSM


Question: 19 copies of the "same" data.  Each copy 500GB.  Tape library use= d 
a storage.  Would like a cheaper solution.

Let's start:    19*500GB is 9=BDTB.
        Disk drives are up to 6TB today.=20
        The data will fit in 2 disk drives - without using dedup and 

        Apply dedup and compression and the data will probably fit in a USB 
memory=  stick (1TB).

The obvious answer is:  This is 2016 and tape is dead since many years! =20

If you skip the tape library and use to modern design with container pools = 
you will save a lot of money. Both on the hardware (tape libs are not cheap=
) and most important on the cost of licenses.

/Anders R=E4ntil=E4



Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 2016 14:45:40 +0000
From:    "Rhodes, Richard L." <>
Subject: problem after 7.1.5 upgrade:  ANS1708E ... Only root can do this 

Just upgrade a TSM server from 6.3.5 to 7.1.5 on AIX.

This morning our Oracle DBA's are reporting this error:
ANS1708E Backup operation failed.  Only a root user can do this operation= 

And on the TSM server we see:
ANR1890W Backup operation for session 8549 node xxxx failed due to root-o= nly 

The Oracle DBA's run Oracle backups to disk, then call dsmc to push the b= 
ackup to TSM.  They do this AS THE ORACLE USER, not root.

I found a IBM doc that said to set the node parm "Users allowed to back <=> up" from roo= t to 
ALL.  I checked, and all the nodes that had this problem _ARE_ set t= o ALL.

Any thougts are welcome!

cat z.ksh
for i in <> <l= ist 
of nodes> do<>
    ./run_cmd.ksh -l tsm1 "q node $i f=3Dd" | grep -i "Users allowed to b= ack 

Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<
Users allowed to back up: All<

The information contained in this message is intended only for the person= al 
and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of=  this 
message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for d= elivering 
it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you = have received 
this document in error and that any review, dissemination, = distribution, or 
copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you h= ave received this 
communication in error, please notify us immediately, a= nd delete the original 


Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 2016 15:53:09 +0100
From:    Rainer Holzinger <>
Subject: Antwort: [ADSM-L] problem after 7.1.5 upgrade:  ANS1708E ... Only root 
can do this operation

Hi Richard,

option 'backupinitiation   off' in dsmserv.opt and recycle of the instance
die help at my site
some months ago.


Von:    "Rhodes, Richard L." <>
Datum:  07.12.2016 15:47
Betreff:        [ADSM-L] problem after 7.1.5 upgrade:  ANS1708E ... Only
root can do this operation
Gesendet von:   "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

Just upgrade a TSM server from 6.3.5 to 7.1.5 on AIX.

This morning our Oracle DBA's are reporting this error:
ANS1708E Backup operation failed.  Only a root user can do this operation<>

And on the TSM server we see:
ANR1890W Backup operation for session 8549 node xxxx failed due to root-only 

The Oracle DBA's run Oracle backups to disk, then call dsmc to push the backup 
to TSM.  They do this AS THE ORACLE USER, not root.

I found a IBM doc that said to set the node parm "Users allowed to back <> up" from root to 
ALL.  I checked, and all the nodes that had this problem _ARE_ set to ALL.

Any thougts are welcome!

cat z.ksh
for i in <> <list of 
nodes> do<>
    ./run_cmd.ksh -l tsm1 "q node $i f=d" | grep -i "Users allowed to back 

Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>


The information contained in this message is intended only for the personal and 
confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this message 
is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the 
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this 
document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying 
of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication 
in error, please notify us immediately, and delete the original message.


Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 2016 15:04:25 +0000
From:    chris rees <>
Subject: Re: problem after 7.1.5 upgrade:  ANS1708E ... Only root can do this 



Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 2016 15:08:22 +0000
From:    "Rhodes, Richard L." <>
Subject: Re: Antwort: [ADSM-L] problem after 7.1.5 upgrade:  ANS1708E ... Only 
root can do this operation

I see.

I just found the option and set it live via "setopt backupinitiationroot = 
off".  That fixed the problem live, and from your comment I checked the d= 
smserv.opt and it now has a "BACKUPINITIATIONROOT OFF" in it, so TSM stuc= k it 



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of = 
Rainer Holzinger
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 9:53 AM
Subject: *EXTERNAL* Antwort: [ADSM-L] problem after 7.1.5 upgrade: ANS170= 8E 
... Only root can do this operation

Hi Richard,

option 'backupinitiation   off' in dsmserv.opt and recycle of the instanc=
die help at my site
some months ago.


Von:    "Rhodes, Richard L." <>
Datum:  07.12.2016 15:47
Betreff:        [ADSM-L] problem after 7.1.5 upgrade:  ANS1708E ... Only
root can do this operation
Gesendet von:   "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

Just upgrade a TSM server from 6.3.5 to 7.1.5 on AIX.

This morning our Oracle DBA's are reporting this error:
ANS1708E Backup operation failed.  Only a root user can do this operation= <>

And on the TSM server we see:
ANR1890W Backup operation for session 8549 node xxxx failed due to root-only 

The Oracle DBA's run Oracle backups to disk, then call dsmc to push the backup 
to TSM.  They do this AS THE ORACLE USER, not root.

I found a IBM doc that said to set the node parm "Users allowed to back <> up" from roo= t to 
ALL.  I checked, and all the nodes that had this problem _ARE_ set to ALL.

Any thougts are welcome!

cat z.ksh
for i in <> <l= ist 
of nodes> do<>
    ./run_cmd.ksh -l tsm1 "q node $i f=3Dd" | grep -i "Users allowed to b= ack 

Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>
Users allowed to back up: All<>


The information contained in this message is intended only for the personal and 
confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this message 
is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the 
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this 
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The information contained in this message is intended only for the person= al 
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message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for d= elivering 
it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you = have received 
this document in error and that any review, dissemination, = distribution, or 
copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you h= ave received this 
communication in error, please notify us immediately, a= nd delete the original 


Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 2016 10:48:09 -0500
From:    "Dury, John C." <>
Subject: Re: Strange problem with the same ACTIVELOG files opened multiple times

Well at least I feel a little better that it is happening to someone else a= 
lso. We were also having a problem with the DB Backup completely hanging. I=  
thought maybe it was just stuck, but it actually happened on a Friday and = was 
still running as of Monday morning but making no progress. Originally t= he DB 
backup was going to a an NFS mounted filesystem but after moving to a=  local 
RAID 1 group and changing some other recommendations in /etc/sysctl.= conf, the 
hung DB backup issue seems to be solved. Our DB and ACTIVELOG fil= es are all 
on local SSD also. The BACKUPPOOL volumes are on a NFS (10G) mou= nted 
filesystem that lives on a Data Domain. I do have an open PMR with IBM=  about 
the excessive number of times each /tsmactivelog S00* file is open. = It has 
been sent to development for investigation. I will post any updates = here.

Graham Stewart<
&q=3Dfrom:%22Graham+Stewart%22> Tue, 06 Dec 2016 11:09:00 -0800<https://www=>
We see something very similar (TSM, RHEL 7.2):

-83570 open active S00*.log files, under db2sysc
-193 S00*.log files
-DB backups sometimes (but not always) slow down, showing no progress, but 
eventually get going again. We've never rebooted under this scenario, and the 
DB backups always complete successfully, but some days take twice as long as 
other days.

No NFS. All local disk: SSD (DB and logs) and SATA (storage pools). No 

We haven't yet placed a support call with IBM about the variance in DB backup 
times, but intend to.

Graham Stewart
Network and Storage Services Manager
Information Technology Services
University of Toronto Libraries

On 12/06/2016 01:41 PM, Dury, John C. wrote:
We continue to see this on all 4 TSM 7.x servers. I do not see this behavio= r 
on the TSM 6.x servers at all. Anyone else running TSM 7.x on RHEL 7.x?
The /tsmactivelog/NODE0000/LOGSTREAM0000/S0018048.LOG is open simultaneousl= y 
a total of 386 times. This can't be normal behavior.

We have two TSM v7.1.7.0 server running on different RHEL 7.x servers. The 
primary storage pool is BACKUPPOOL which has it's volumes in the local OS 
mounted as NFS volumes across a 10g network connection. The volumes live on=  
the Data domain which does it's own deduplication in the background. We have a 
schedule that does a full TSM DB backup daily. The target is a separate fil= e 
system but is also mounted as a NFS on the Data Domain across a 10g network 
connection. The TSM Active log is mounted on local disk. The TSM DB is also 
mounted locally on a RAID of SSD drives for performance.
                The issue I am seeing is that although there are only 261 
S00*.LOG files in /tsmactivelog, they appear to all be open multiple times.
"lsof|grep -i tsmactive|wc -l"
command tells me that there are 94576 files opened in /tsmactivelog. The 
process that has the /TSMACTIVELOG files opened is db2sysc. I've never seen 
this on our TSM 6.x server. It's almost as if the active log file is opened=  
but then never closed. It isn't a gradual climb to a high number of mounts 
eith= er.
10 minutes after booting the server, there are an excessive number of files 
mounted in /tsmactivelog. This behavior is happening even when the server i= s 
extremely idle with very few (or none) sessions and/or processes running.
The issue we keep seeing every few days is processes like the TSM full DB 
backup, runs for a few minutes, and then progress just stops. After cancell= 
ing it, it never comes down so I am forced to HALT the server and then reboot 
i= t.
It seems like the excessive number of opened files in /tsmactivelog and the 
hanging DB Backup feel related but I am not sure.
I've been working with IBM on the hanging processes but so far they are als= o 
stumped but they agree the two issues seem like they should be related.

I'm hoping someone out there might have some ideas.


End of ADSM-L Digest - 6 Dec 2016 to 7 Dec 2016 (#2016-241)

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