I have an interesting situation when attempting to perform a restore on a node that performs backups of CIFS/DFS mounts.
The client is accessed via http / dsmcad since this server is setup to backup multiple CIFS shares and now moving to DFS. After signing in via browser, I can bring up BACKUP and see lots and lots of file shares/directories, etc. But when I bring up RESTORE, I don't see any of that. Just three higher-level directories. Occupancy shows 4.7-million files backed up and yes I tried toggling active/inactive. Checking the dsmsched log shows it scanning 4.7 million files and backed up 1300 just last night. Both the client and server are so I can't go any higher. Recently rebooted everything. Nothing out of the ordinary in dsmwebcl.log. Just shows sessions starting and there was a password issue for the user who contacted me about this. Even shows idle-timeouts. So what gives? Why can't restore/see anything? Obviously, I am a full system admin so that's not be an issue. -- *Zoltan Forray* Spectrum Protect (p.k.a. TSM) Software & Hardware Administrator Xymon Monitor Administrator VMware Administrator (in training) Virginia Commonwealth University UCC/Office of Technology Services www.ucc.vcu.edu zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will never use email to request that you reply with your password, social security number or confidential personal information. For more details visit http://infosecurity.vcu.edu/phishing.html