
here is a management class I use for archive:

tsm: ADSM_SP02>q copygroup UNIX t=a

Policy        Policy        Mgmt          Copy            Retain
Domain        Set Name      Class         Group          Version
Name                        Name          Name
---------     ---------     ---------     ---------     --------
UNIX          ACTIVE        STANDARD      STANDARD         3,650
UNIX          STANDARD      STANDARD      STANDARD         3,650

and a select from the database:

tsm: ADSM_SP02>select * from archives where node_name='SV001463' and
filespace_name='/test_adsm' and hl_name='/tmp/' and type='FILE'
ANR2963W This SQL query may produce a very large result table, or may
require a
significant amount of time to compute.

Do you wish to proceed? (Yes/No) y

     NODE_NAME: SV001463
FILESPACE_NAME: /test_adsm
          TYPE: FILE
       HL_NAME: /tmp/
       LL_NAME: tsm_actlog_SP01.arc
     OBJECT_ID: 209238661
  ARCHIVE_DATE: 2001-04-12 15:22:06.000000
         OWNER: root

     NODE_NAME: SV001463
FILESPACE_NAME: /test_adsm
          TYPE: FILE
       HL_NAME: /tmp/
       LL_NAME: tsm_actlog_SP01.arc
     OBJECT_ID: 209696157
  ARCHIVE_DATE: 2001-04-15 00:39:04.000000
         OWNER: root

more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

This says that my class name is "DEFAULT", but I don't have a class name
"DEFAULT", it's called "STANDARD". Here "DEFAULT" would seem to be saying
that the class name used is the default class name and not a class name
called default. Am I understanding this correctly?

Then CLASS_NAME is only the class name if it isn't the default class,
otherwise it's DEFAULT. Or did I have too much to dream last night?

>TRY  (if you have some time):
>select node_name,class_name,count(*) from backups where type <>'DIR' group
>by node_name,class_name
>to have an overview about your used managementclasses.
>Regards, Stefan Holzwarth
> > -----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: Gina Glenewinkel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Gesendet am: Dienstag, 17. April 2001 17:18
> > Betreff: finding unused mgmt classes - why didn't this work?
> >
> > Some time ago I posted to this list a question about how to
> > find out if my
> > old management classes are still managing any client data.  A
> > couple of you
> > responded suggesting this select statement:   select * from
> > archives where
> > class_name='classname'   and the same for backups.  I ran
> > this on several
> > management classes and got "no match found for this query".
> > Thinking that
> > meant there was no data found governed by that management
> > class, I deleted
> > it and got the expected message about any data will be rebound to the
> > default management class.  I did not expect any data to be
> > rebound.  Turns
> > out, I deleted some active management classes by mistake
> > because I thought
> > they weren't being used.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me why my select statement didn't work as expected?
> >
> > /gina
> >

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