TRY  (if you have some time):

select node_name,class_name,count(*) from backups where type <>'DIR' group
by node_name,class_name

to have an overview about your used managementclasses.

Regards, Stefan Holzwarth

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Gina Glenewinkel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Dienstag, 17. April 2001 17:18
> Betreff: finding unused mgmt classes - why didn't this work?
> Some time ago I posted to this list a question about how to 
> find out if my
> old management classes are still managing any client data.  A 
> couple of you
> responded suggesting this select statement:   select * from 
> archives where
> class_name='classname'   and the same for backups.  I ran 
> this on several
> management classes and got "no match found for this query".  
> Thinking that
> meant there was no data found governed by that management 
> class, I deleted
> it and got the expected message about any data will be rebound to the
> default management class.  I did not expect any data to be 
> rebound.  Turns
> out, I deleted some active management classes by mistake 
> because I thought
> they weren't being used.
> Can anyone tell me why my select statement didn't work as expected?
> /gina

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