Hello out there !
I have a serius problem i hope anyone can help me with:
When i start my server i says that the log files i overcommittet, so i try
do extend it with the
DSMSERV command. But it gives the following error:
Volume Name (Copy 1): /adsmdata/log5.dsm
Copy Status: Sync'd
Volume Name (Copy 2):
Copy Status: Undefined
Volume Name (Copy 3):
Copy Status: Undefined
Available Space (MB): 1,024
Allocated Space (MB): 24
Free Space (MB): 1,000
Allocated space for /adsmdata/log5.dsm: 1074790400 bytes
# dsmserv extend log /adsmdata/log5.dsm 500
ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 18:15:45 on Mar 17 1999.
ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager for AIX-RS/6000
Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.20
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
5765-C43 (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 1998. All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.
ANR0900I Processing options file dsmserv.opt.
ANR0200I Recovery log assigned capacity is 4120 megabytes.
ANR0201I Database assigned capacity is 16352 megabytes.
ANR0306I Recovery log volume mount in progress.
ANR9999D admstart.c(2586): Error 35 from lvmAddVol.
ANR7835I ADSM thread 15 terminated in response to server shutdown.
ANR7835I ADSM thread 16 terminated in response to server shutdown.
ANR0991I ADSM server shutdown complete.
I hva also tried to format at new logfile, but that gave the same result.
I'am running ADSM ver. under AIX ver. 4.2.1, please help.
Kind regards