Hello Richard

Thank you for responding.

I have also tried to add another LOG file, but the same thing happens. So
maybe my problem is
that the current recovery log is currupt ?

So is there a way to clear it, so i can get my server up and running, and
then start with a DB backup ?


Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 07-08-2000 16:15:17

Besvar venligst til "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:         (bcc: Peter Svendsen/ABR/ALMBRAND)
Vedrørende:    Re: Extend log problem

>When i start my server i says that the log files i overcommittet, so i try
>do extend it with the
>DSMSERV command. But it gives the following error:

Peter - You fell into a trap created by the developers having given the
        command a misleading name:  DSMSERV EXTEND LOG  is not to be
used to extend your current log volume, but to add a new one to your
existing volume, which must remain intact.  From what I see in your
posted information, you have only one recovery log volume and are
attempting to extend that one.  Instead, add one.
  Richard Sims, BU

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