[I have made a first PR for some small fixes to nix/nix
and adding a NOTES that fixes some infelicities in the
instructions to get started]

I have noted that Paul Lalonde has added a script for testing the cpu
kernel with vmx.

There is also in usr/glenda/ mknixboot (John Floren) that could be
updated for a USB install.

Would it be possible to gather the (modification) bits together, for
example in sys/src/nix/rc, mounted via (nix/nix) in order to appear
as nix/vmx, nix/mkusbkey and so long, in order to put the pieces

Note: there are a number of warnings when compiling so my next
assignment will be to fix the compiler (assembler, compiler, linker)
warnings before tracking panics. I prefer to grasp the easier task at
hand ;-^
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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