[I restarted a special thread because the hier was getting deep and
mixed. Here are the last bits bits taken out and
reproduced for reference before questions.]

>From Paul Lalonde, relating to a  commit to 
(the main branch is now regen)


git/clone g...@github.com:tlaronde/nix-os

cd sys/src/nix
rc -x nix # set the x bits?
# make it so it does not have to be in $home/nix-os?

cd boot
cd ../k10
# it may seem like it hangs, it's actually waiting for your nvram key.
# HEY ANYONE! the prompt for nvram gets buried in output.
# Want to fix this?

vmx 9k8cpu # HEY ANYONE! vmx thinks the multiboot header in 9k8cpu is
        # wrong, but it's not. This is an easy one, Look at the
        # multiboot header in l32p.s and see why vmx does not like it.
        # Or just netboot a cpu server with 9k8cpu

Ron Minnich proposal for contributions:

> The github workflow is to fork github.com/rminnich/nix-os, checkout a
> branch based on regen, hack hack, commit -s, push to your branch, that
> will make a pull request.
> Very standard stuff, we don't know how to make it all work with 9front git 
> yet.
> Questions? Put them here, and thanks in advance.

A few:

1) Could PROCESS be whether updated or archived to not have
instructions related to an obsolete process? Is


to be revived or exchanges will take place here (for things that are
not exchanged by pull requests and commit logs)?

2) Can the LICENSE be updated according to the re-licensing
finally achieved?---what about the diffs against legacy Plan9? What
license (I imagine NOTICE?)?

3) I happen to have only AMD64 dual-cores, ARMv7 dual-cores or one
RISC-V 1+4 cores. The initial target was AMD64, but I suspect that Nix
would be tested, in the near future, on something else (and should not
be limited to some kind of architecture). For the immediate:

        a) Will Nix, in its present state, work natively with only
two cores or would I have to use emulation to at least offer it
virtual 4 cores?

        b) For the future, what would be the main immediate target?
ARM family (Ampere like processors)?

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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