On Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 03:07:09AM -0500, mouad-...@outlook.com wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to compile an older version of gcc in 9front to use the gnu
> pascal and gnu fortran 77 compilers?
> I have found an older version of gcc for i386 at https://code.google.com/
> archive/p/ports2plan9/downloads but I don't know if it will actually work
> nowadays.

The GCC port probably still works, but only for i386. I have abandoned
that track a bit and am now more interested in the transpilers since
they (theoretically) would work on all architectures supported by the C

> There are converters like p2c and f2c, but they are limited in comparison to a
> compiler.

I have integrated f2c and p2c in APExp, and I hope to integrate even
more transpilers there. I have not had time to play with it lately, but
I see my APExp project as a "spiritual successor" to ports2plan9


> So please any advice or guidance would be much appreciated.
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