I don't even care if people use an LLM: just be upfront about it, and describe 
how you verified its output before posting.

On August 8, 2024 9:27:08 PM GMT+09:00, Thaddeus Woskowiak 
<tswoskow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>All I ask (as well as others) is to be up front with LLM answers. Note: I'm
>not making accusations here, just a general statement.
>There's been far too much discourse here which is eroding the trust and
>quality of the list. I ask that we please be as civil as possible as well
>as honest and up front with our answers. There is no need to rush to answer
>questions, there's no prize or pot of gold. There is no life, property or
>money at stake here - plan 9 is mostly a labor of love. And that is what we
>should be displaying towards each other - love and respect.
>- taw
>On Thu, Aug 8, 2024, 9:30 AM Clout Tolstoy <tolstoycl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Probably just a  noob not on y'all's level.  I do often use LLMs to help
>> write code, though I've found none can really grok plan 9 C like I wish it
>> could.
>> Although, I would agree I lack the prestige, pedigree and deep
>> understanding of a schooled mind, I'm not in the understanding that SPI was
>> a general enough interface that wouldn't need additional drive support.
>> On Wed, Aug 7, 2024, 5:12 PM Don A. Bailey <don.bai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Is this literally all AI bots just talking to themselves
>>> On Aug 7, 2024, at 7:53 PM, Clout Tolstoy <tolstoycl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> For spi, you will may have to write your own driver. There are a few
>>> helpful guides on YouTube from adventuresin9 on this subject.  I've only
>>> booted 9front on a pi 4B.
>>> On Wed, Aug 7, 2024, 4:12 PM LdBeth <andp...@foxmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I think the latest 9front release has ported wifi driver for raspberry
>>>> pi from linux. Unfortunately my Pi Zero 2W cannot boot up after been
>>>> put there for a year, so I don't know how well is that supported.
>>>> ldbeth
>>>> >>>>> In <c4dd92b2-db44-4f42-80d6-0b874e74c...@howhill.com>
>>>> >>>>>   Willow Liquorice <wil...@howhill.com> wrote:
>>>> > Hello,
>>>> > I've decided to knock a 9front installation together on a Pi Zero, and
>>>> > I'm debating about whether to use Ethernet or WiFi.
>>>> > How well does Plan 9 / 9front play with the various ethernet adaptors
>>>> > you can get for a Pi Zero? Some old emails in the list mention USB
>>>> > adaptors, but I was wondering about whether ones that use other
>>>> > interfaces like SPI might work too.
>>>> > Does anyone have any experiences they can share?
>>>> >        - Willow
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