You might want to question your own ability to judge if something is
written with an LLM if you for a second thought or think I use them for
email.  Which also appears to be a problem on this list. People playing
kangaroo court on who's using an LLM and when.   And now it's not even
about SPI, plan 9 driver support, Ethernet and wifi support on a rpi
zeroW.  Wtf, and go derail elsewhere with your paranoia.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2024, 6:57 AM <> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 8, 2024, at 21:27, Thaddeus Woskowiak wrote:
> > All I ask (as well as others) is to be up front with LLM answers. Note:
> I'm
> > not making accusations here, just a general statement.
> >
> > There's been far too much discourse here which is eroding the trust and
> > quality of the list. I ask that we please be as civil as possible as well
> > as honest and up front with our answers. There is no need to rush to
> answer
> > questions, there's no prize or pot of gold. There is no life, property or
> > money at stake here - plan 9 is mostly a labor of love. And that is what
> we
> > should be displaying towards each other - love and respect.
> >
> > - taw
> I have noticed the emergence of LLMs in email clients and
> word processors. Additionally, the need to cut and paste
> results has been eliminated, making the integration seamless
> and LLM usage soon commonplace. Based on earlier
> discussions, it is important to disclose their use to
> maintain transparency and trust; otherwise, we may see
> increased conflict on the mailing list, both warranted and
> unwarranted. It is easier and more honest to disclose their
> use rather than calling out suspected users and diminishing
> trust.
> Written with Outlook, which contains LLM recommendations
> for grammar, wording, and automated responses.
> -Vic

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