sir, people don't understand the use of the Internet for something other
than crime. it's an honest mistake that everyone makes when the first log
in but have not read the papers yet

On Sun, Aug 4, 2024, 12:01 PM Kurt H Maier via 9fans <>

> On Sun, Aug 04, 2024 at 02:50:55PM -0400,
> wrote:
> > I am sharing my perspective, but it seems you disagree with my viewpoint
> and want to label me negatively. Is this how your group handles differing
> opinions?
> This approach to community engagement is called "DARVO."  After you
> attacked the list with spambot, you:
> D - Denied any harm ("I'm just trying to help!")
> A - Attacked the people asking for you to stop ("You're so mean!")
> RVO - Reversed Victim and Offender roles ("Is this how you treat new
>       people?")
> It's a common pattern in abusive people, probably because it's so
> effective.  But it doesn't work as well when it's executed so poorly,
> like most of your messages.
> Better luck next time,
> khm

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