Quoth kalona.ayeli...@fastmail.us:
> I didn't get it wrong, I was asked to send money if I wanted help, which I 
> found unusual.

No, I sarcastically said that if I were to continue reviewing your
LLM-generated spam, I'd start charging for it. At no point did you
give any signs of wanting actual help, which I and many others would
gladly provide free of charge.

> I am using the Plan 9 wiki (https://9p.io/wiki/plan9/plan_9_wiki/) for 
> information. I've read the manual and docs there, but the documentation is 
> lacking. I'm not sure how often the docs, manuals, and ISO file are updated. 
> I am not the only one with Plan 9 issues. Here is another person with similar 
> problems: https://driusan.github.io/plan9.html. 
> There just isn't a consistent community experience here. Why can't newcomers 
> just go to the Plan 9 website, https://9p.io/wiki/plan9/plan_9_wiki/, and get 
> everything they need? What is up with the community site and 9fans?

These are valid points.

Lack of good documentation, especially for a total newcomer or
someone who isn't already technically inclined, is a serious issue.

- Noam Preil

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