On Sunday, 4 August 2024, at 1:09 AM, Bakul Shah wrote:
> As we used to say in the Usenet era,

         (o o)
| Please            |
|   don't feed the  |
|     TROLL's !     |
        ooO Ooo

Deny them attention and they will go away eventually.

On Sunday, 4 August 2024, at 12:42 AM, ori wrote:
> In light of the low quality of posts on this list, the p9f set up
a new, moderated, 9users list, and sent initial invites to people
who attended iwp9.

Anyone currently on the list can propose new invites.

AI slop will not be tolerated there.

Nice to know that there now exists a list for selected members.

What follows next ?

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