> I don't want to depend on anything. Your method is just adding other
> dependencies to ghostscript if you start with ps, and other
> dependencies, if not ghostscript, including C++ code that is inability
> to port on Plan9, if you use pdf.

I don't have any dependences remaining you misinterpreted something.

In the first time I needed some way to handle pdf files I had to connect to a 
linux machine in my network where the conversion from pdf to ps was done by 
using command line tools. The result of this conversion were first jpeg files 
afterwards svg files for which I wrote a renderer in plan9. The second step was 
to write a converter pdftosvg which works for pdf files I had to handle. No C++ 
no postscript interpreter. If you have to handle pdf files with embedded 
postscript than I wish you good luck.
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