On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 9:33 PM <o...@eigenstate.org> wrote:
> I don't think this approach has ever worked in
> the open source world -- it always starts with
> someone building something useful. The vision
> and goal is defined by the work being done.
> After something useful is built, people start
> to join in and contribute.
> After enough people join in, it makes sense to
> have more organization.

I remain mystified by the desired end state here.  For all intents and
purposes, as far as the wider world is concerned, 9front is plan 9.
I'm not sure I'd want that burden, to be honest, but that's just me.
That aside, realistically, 9front is the only thing in the plan 9
world that has energy behind it.

On the other hand, there's 9legacy, which pulls together some useful
patches and attempts to carry on in a manner imagined to be closer to
what Bell Labs did. That's fine; it's low activity, but people are
busy, have lives to live, all that stuff. Regardless, some people seem
to be genuinely offended by its existence, and I can't really
understand why.

Meanwhile, the people actually doing any work are in communication
with one another, regardless of what label is applied to the software
running on their individual computers, which is as it should be.

So what is it, exactly, that people want?

        - Dan C.

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