Honestly speaking, in current situation this tastes a bit for administration for the sake of administration. In my opinion it would be more fruitful to bring together at first the niners with similar goals and needs i.e. "SIGs" at first which could form the core later if necessary
jf On Fri, 26 Jan 2024, Vester "Vic" Thacker wrote:
When looking at the FreeBSD project, the introduction of a Plan 9 Core Team can offer several benefits: 1. Centralized Technical Leadership: A Core Team can provide clear technical leadership and direction for the project. This ensures that development efforts are coordinated, focused, and aligned with the project's goals. 2. Consistency and Stability: With a dedicated Core Team, there is a better chance of maintaining consistency and stability in the development process. This can lead to more reliable and predictable updates. 3. Efficient Decision-Making: The Core Team can streamline decision-making processes, especially for critical technical decisions. This can help avoid delays and conflicts that might arise in a more decentralized development model. 4. Attracting Contributors: Having a well-defined leadership structure can make the project more attractive to potential contributors, as they can see a clear path for their contributions and how they can impact the project's direction. 5. Community Cohesion: A Core Team can act as a unifying force within the community, bringing together contributors from various Plan 9 distributions and projects. It fosters collaboration and cooperation. 6. Long-Term Sustainability: By focusing on technical governance, a Core Team can help ensure the long-term sustainability of the project, making it less reliant on the efforts of a single individual or a small group. 7. Representation: The Core Team can include representatives from different Plan 9 distributions, ensuring that various voices and perspectives are considered in the decision-making process. 8. Resource Allocation: The Core Team can allocate resources more efficiently, directing efforts towards areas that are most critical to the project's success. 9. Enhanced Documentation: With a centralized team, there's often a better opportunity to maintain and improve project documentation, making it easier for newcomers to understand and contribute to the project. 10. Fostering Innovation: A Core Team can actively promote innovation and new features, driving the evolution of the Plan 9 operating system in a direction that aligns with the community's needs and goals. --vic 9fans / 9fans / see discussions + participants + delivery options Permalink
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