When looking at the FreeBSD project, the introduction of a Plan 9 Core Team can offer several benefits:
1. *Centralized Technical Leadership*: A Core Team can provide clear technical leadership and direction for the project. This ensures that development efforts are coordinated, focused, and aligned with the project's goals. 2. *Consistency and Stability*: With a dedicated Core Team, there is a better chance of maintaining consistency and stability in the development process. This can lead to more reliable and predictable updates. 3. *Efficient Decision-Making*: The Core Team can streamline decision-making processes, especially for critical technical decisions. This can help avoid delays and conflicts that might arise in a more decentralized development model. 4. *Attracting Contributors*: Having a well-defined leadership structure can make the project more attractive to potential contributors, as they can see a clear path for their contributions and how they can impact the project's direction. 5. *Community Cohesion*: A Core Team can act as a unifying force within the community, bringing together contributors from various Plan 9 distributions and projects. It fosters collaboration and cooperation. 6. *Long-Term Sustainability*: By focusing on technical governance, a Core Team can help ensure the long-term sustainability of the project, making it less reliant on the efforts of a single individual or a small group. 7. *Representation*: The Core Team can include representatives from different Plan 9 distributions, ensuring that various voices and perspectives are considered in the decision-making process. 8. *Resource Allocation*: The Core Team can allocate resources more efficiently, directing efforts towards areas that are most critical to the project's success. 9. *Enhanced Documentation*: With a centralized team, there's often a better opportunity to maintain and improve project documentation, making it easier for newcomers to understand and contribute to the project. 10. *Fostering Innovation*: A Core Team can actively promote innovation and new features, driving the evolution of the Plan 9 operating system in a direction that aligns with the community's needs and goals. --vic ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T8d272411830cebfc-M6305b7aa57484a81be44e369 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription