> This was a simple comment on why I strongly disagreed with VT’s request for

it didn't get displayed as just a simple comment here. maybe you
should fix your email program.

> a 5th Release. I explained myself. I did not get emotional, nor am I
> emotional now.

How is this relevant to the technical issue at hand. You should
explain what has been asked and not yourself.

> What I did receive is a lot of strange emotional responses

If emotion is strange to you, please try to stay more technical. lots
of nerds here - no problem. or give it some time, maybe you can open
up when you cease reacting so fast and negatively to everything that
seems new to you.

> for which I have neither time nor interest. And frankly, neither should
> anyone here.

I'm sure you can make very long lists of things you're uninterested
in. But can you try to limit your talking points to things that
wouldn't be on such list?

> Who cares if I like 9front? I’m not against it, nor the developers. I’m
> simply against *joining* 9front with 9legacy/etc as a formal release. I
> personally believe that’s a bad move.

No worries, it is your reasoning, not your motivation that is at question here.
It might give an unjustified bad impression based solely on your error
of judgement.

9legacy already includes lots of 9front patches, and 9front includes
patches that have appeared before on mailinglists or 9legacy. Patches
are shared regularly, even though activity on 9front is much higher in

The projects are all joined by a common history, and anybody who
doesn't like change is free to never pull from any of the forks,
mailinglists, or patch repositories.

> Don’t agree? Ok, so what? I’m one dude. And yet the gaggle of you people

I don't see how you being a dude is relevant on the internet.

> have tried to drag me down some psychoanalytical rabbit hole, and waste my
> entire day. And because I won’t let you drag me into it, and because I
> respond with short unemotional statements,

A play on rabbit hole -> glenda lair?
Also, these are the kind of promises that you should be making to
yourself, not to us.

> you somehow think *I’m* the bad
> guy because I won’t devolve into your world.

This is not some beauty contest.

> Geez guys seriously… go touch grass and have a life. Know what I did today
> instead of engaging with your bullshit? I did my job. I played with my son.
> I cooked us an amazing dinner. We built a fort. We looked at deer outside.
> We listened to music.

I'm extremely glad for you having such non-computer hobbies, and I
will always endorse people to seek out for that in their lives.

> All that because I didn’t waste my time with long bullshit responses that
> wouldn’t satisfy you, anyway, because I disagree with 9front being merged.

Why disagree with something that has never been suggested or implied
or thought of or done?

> Who cares?

Are you implying you don't? Then why ask?

> Live your life, man.

So far I believe we are in compliance.

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