Great; let me repeat one more time: The Plan 9 foundation does not currently engage in technical work such as putting together releases. There will be no release from the P9F including 9front code, because there will be no release from the P9F.
If you feel the need for a release, I encourage you to make one. If you feel your release is insufficently formal, I suggest renting a tux. Quoth Don A. Bailey <>: > I’m aware you’re a member of the foundation. > > What I want I think I’ve made clear. I do not want to see a formal release of > Plan 9 that includes anything from the 9front project. I do not want 9front > merged with what I tongue-in-cheek term “mainline” (9legacy / 9pio updated > patch sets). I’d rather 9front stay its own thing. I’m certain there are a > lot of relevant contributions within 9front but I think its place is as its > own niche system. > > Thanks! > > > > On Jan 25, 2024, at 4:55 PM, wrote: > > > > Quoth Don A. Bailey <>: > >> I’d prefer the sources to be managed by the foundation and would > >> like to only receive patches through them. > > > > Speaking as a member of the foundation, we do not manage sources > > or distribute patches. We do not maintain a Plan 9 distribution, > > and currently have no plans to do so. > > > > Our focus, in line with our charter, is not technical. We focus > > on growing the Plan 9 community, and providing ways to help the > > Plan 9 diaspora with their technical work, and helping with the > > logistics involved in that. An example of the work the P9F may > > take on would be organizing IWP9. > > > > While I have not discussed with the rest of the P9F, I think > > providing infrastructure to support community projects would > > also fit our goals. > > > > If you have specific ways we can support people like you > > taking up the torch and carrying plan 9 development forward, > > please speak up and let us know; I'll ensure that it gets > > discussed at the next P9F meeting. > > ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options: