I’ve had issues with wifi in the past and normally just end up following this approach: https://9lab.org/plan9/thinkpad-t420s/. It works well and allows the selection of different essid/network upon boot. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tf639303c48fd1149-M454eb9f853022fe2e91a8eb5 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription
- [9fans] Prompt for wpapsk during wifi boot Luis
- Re: [9fans] Prompt for wpapsk during wifi boot Stanley Lieber
- Re: [9fans] Prompt for wpapsk during wifi boo... Luis
- Re: [9fans] Prompt for wpapsk during wifi... unobe
- Re: [9fans] Prompt for wpapsk during ... 9johansen via 9fans