Quoth Luis <l...@ck-weine.ch>:
> On Wed, 2023-06-14 at 10:30 -0400, Stanley Lieber wrote:
> > not sure what other problems there may be, but make sure essid
> > appears on the same line as ether0.
> > 
> > sl
> Ok, Thanks. The Problem does persist with essid= on the same line as
> ether0=.

I recall having issues as well with this.  My current plan9.ini uses
the bssid= rather than the essid= for the wireless network I'm
connecting to, but I don't think it does anything because in my user's
profile I run a script to connect to wifi *after* I start up factotum:

% cat /bin/wifi/auth
if (~ $ether '')
    ether=`{cd /net; ls -d ether*}
for (e in $ether ) {
    if (grep -s 'status: need authentication' /net/$e/ifstats) {
                essid=`{grep '^essid: ' /net/$e/ifstats | sed 's/essid: //'}
                if (grep -s 'essid=.*'^$"essid /mnt/factotum/ctl) {
                        aux/wpa /net/$e
                        ip/ipconfig ether /net/$e
                if not echo 'No factotum key found for essid:'^$"essid >[1=2]

So the wpapsk= probably didn't work for my situation or I didn't know
how to wield it.  If either of those was the case, perhaps I didn't
want to type the password each time and I was okay with waiting for my
profile to be run.

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