i dont really get your problem.

my understanding is that the idea of the gpl is that if you
derive work from a gpl licensed project is that that change
will also be under gpl and you make the sourcecode available.


whenever we bugfix something in ghostscript, that change will
also be under gpl. and you make the source available for
that change.

on the other hand, calling the ghostscript interpreter as a
external program, i dont think that would force your program
kiosk to be gpl licensed (for example page(1) would be in
the same situation... it calls all kinds of external image
converters, including ghostscript).

so why not just have the source of everything available?

for me, your project isnt any different from a specialized
plan9 distribution, consisting of a mix of differently licensed
projects, including your kisok program. as long as you provide
the source to the gpl components (or just everything, much easier)
you should be fine, no?


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