On Saturday, 29 January 2022, at 5:56 PM, Bakul Shah wrote: > Also note that plan9 c compilers are likely no faster than tcc. And there will > be other challenges.
My kiosk application using plan 9 and its compilers is already working. There were no problems changing from llvm to plan9 compilers. The speek difference between plan9 compiled code and gcc, llvm compiled code is irrelevant. I use compilers for many different tasks to avoid scripting at all. Everything gets expressed as C files which get automatically generated, translated and are called as child processes while using pipes. Some of those C files are for the generation of plot and graph data (2D, 3D). This data than gets rendered into image files which than are displayed. The system works similar to gnuplot, asymptote aso with the difference that no external interpreter is used. This works simpler and faster using plan9 as using freebsd and llvm. The plan9 compilers are ideal for jit tasks. On Saturday, 29 January 2022, at 5:56 PM, Bakul Shah wrote: > Not to dissuade you from switching to plan9 but just pointing out > there are ways to reduce the image size while staying with FreeBSD. Don't worry I already realized my kiosk app using plan9 and wanted to make sure of their are licensing problems I didn't know about. I only use the libraries so the problems regarding commands aren't important for me. The second reason why I asked here is cause if there are prefered ways of acknowledgement I would include those. After this thread I will place something like "This software is based in parts on plan9, legacy9 and 9front. Those are licensed under MiT <link>. For those who are interested in those projects <links>" As a sign of my gratitude and after the results of my other thread and the lack of interest for a framebuffer device I intend to write a pdf and contribute reduced versions of devdraw, memlayer, memdraw which can be used for creation of such framebuffer based distributions which don't need the plan9 gui. This will be licenced under the MIT. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T3e07bfdf263a83c8-M7b9ae9bc73a39379d01d7fba Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription