> The LPL is dead. It died when all the Plan 9 IP was transferred to the
> foundation.
> Nokia is out of the picture.
> So let's realign this discussion a bit. The Plan 9 source formerly
> owned by Nokia is owned by the foundation. That source is released
> under the MIT license.
> As for the inclusion of source not owned by the foundation, if that
> source has a license (e.g. MIT) which allows other projects, including
> the foundation's Plan 9 project,  to include it in a distribution or
> repo, then that is ok. As per common practice, and up to the
> discretion of the author, the files typically include a license header
> and copyright notice.
> I'm not understanding the issue here. This is all pretty settled
> stuff: source code under one copyright and an MIT license which
> includes other source code covered by a different copyright and an MIT
> license.

The issue is that there is some code in Plan 9 not written at Bell Labs which
doesn't explicitly specify any license.

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