On 3/26/21, saif.re...@outlook.com <saif.re...@outlook.com> wrote:
> I've uncompressed .bz2 but the problem is burning the .ISO file. And I also
> have some problem. I don't use any GNU or Linux related stuffs. Most of the
> ISO burner are from GUN. I used the one that comes with Windows and also
> tried Rufus(though I don't like GNU related stuffs) but failed. However with
> which program do you burn a .iso on plan9? and Is that program
> Cross-platform?

No, it is not cross-platform; little in Plan 9 is. I may as well warn
you now that Plan 9 is very much minimalistics and does not come with
an archive of tens of thousands of utilities to duplicate tasks that
one can perform with a little learning using much simpler command line
tools. And that is just a small aspect that may well surprise you.

Go has created a new paradigm (not to everybody's liking,
understandably) by enforcing portability, but like Plan 9, does not
focus on fancy graphics, so the applications tend to be more services.

That said, burning an ISO image onto a CD under Windows cannot be such
a challenge, it has been an available feature for decades. I do note
that CDs and DVDs are disappearing form shop shelves even here in


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