> I want it as a dual booted os on my system The standard CD works best to install Plan 9 as the first or only operating system on a machine. Do you have an empty hard disk? Or an empty primary partition? If installing on a partition of a shared disk, it's safest to use your existing operating system to change the partition type to "Plan 9" (0x39) before installing. Otherwise, if the disk has partitions which are not aligned to cylinder boundaries, the Plan 9 partition editor may damage them.
In any case, you will of course need to make a complete backup of anything valuable and be sure you can restore it again, before starting to install any extra dual boot OS. I have an experimental Plan 9 installer which runs directly from a USB flash drive, for use with machines without an optical drive. So far it has only been tried on thinkpads, so I can't guarantee it will work on your machine. You can fetch it from http://www.hamnavoe.com/plan9install.usb.img.bz2 Expand the bz2, and copy the result as a binary image to an empty usb stick starting at sector zero. You should end up with the usb stick reformatted as a single 1GB FAT partition, containing an install kernel 9pcflop and a terminal kernel 9pcf. Mount this and copy the expanded CD image onto the FAT partition as plan9.iso - this should give you a bootable installer. Follow the installation instructions on 9p.io, with these choices in particular: Distribution disk [no default]: /dev/sdXX/dos Location of archives [browse]: / To boot the installed system, you can use the installer usb stick to boot the terminal kernel. You can either interrupt the boot sequence by hitting a key as soon as you see the list of config assignments on the screen, and type new configs before entering "boot" to continue booting; or you can edit plan9.ini on another system to make the new boot configs permanent. Adding "wait" at the end of the plan9.ini will cause it to pause so you don't have to be quick hitting a key. Boot config assignemts to run the installed system instead of the installer: bootfile=sdB0!/9pcf bootargs=local!/dev/sdE0/fossil Use "glenda" as the username until you've set up your own account. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T4a54d17e4c0f6c20-Mafcbea8352e1bead538bd93e Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription