Charles Forsyth <> wrote:

> On 19 March 2015 at 16:09, <> wrote:
> > There is definitely some
> > learning curve and mindset change
> Just what I want from a little servant that's supposed to help me manage
> some file changes.

Git is intended for something completely different than RCS.

I really, REALLY, don't want to start a flame war, although this being
9fans, it's probably not possible. More's the pity.

And again, I AM NOT trying to proselytize.  But, if you are curious as
to what value I personally found in git for gawk development, I will be
happy to discuss it in personal email.

If you don't care, then fine. 

I do still maintain that if you go to the trouble to learn git,
daily use reduces to around 6 commands, no GUI required, or desirable.

And I agree, an fs layer over git would be a wonderful Plan 9-style
thing to have.

That's all I really have to say about it.  I'll go crawl back under
my rock now.


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