Hi All.

Giacomo Tesio pretty much expressed the flow.  For me, the cheap
branching and excellent merging are extremely important, esp. as
compared with earlier systems like subversion.

The distribution development is also a huge boon; I have several
contributors with write access to the main git repo; when one of them
has a change that's been reviewed and is ready to go, or a bug fix,
they can just commit it to the main repo and then I can get it.

Like many people (I suspect), my experience was

        RCS -> CVS - Subversion -> Git

I haven't tried the other systems, and I'm sure they all have
their strengthes and that there are things I could learn from

Git has the advantage of currently being the most popular, and
also of being quite fast.

A gitfs for Plan 9 sounds wonderful and there appear to be options
for getting there, but it may be enough for most people to just
use Linux as a bridge.



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