> > there are lots of small ways to improve things, too.  i'd be happy
> > to talk about that on or off list.  one thing that immediately springs
> > to mind is additions to charles' kernel man pages.
> The list is not very busy and, I hate to admit, somewhat remote from
> Bell Labs.  As a result, I think there would be no serious objection
> to add pertinent traffic to it.
> Personally, kernel pages would be a god-send (but an update of Nemo's
> commentaries would be even more so) and I would like to add discussion
> on the various Plan 9 flavours and how their differences should be
> consolidated or, if necessary, properly set down as distinguishing
> features.

these are the current section 9 pages, largely written by charles.
they pertain to all kernels

        allocb conf delay devattach dmainit error eve inb intrenable kbdputc
        kproc lib lock malloc monmwait newchan panic parsecmd qio qlock
        readnum ref seconds sleep splhi uartp8250 xalloc

these are the current section 9nix (an unfortuante distinction that is
hopefully temporary)

        adr panic physalloc qmalloc vmap

the current man pages can be accessed via, e.g.


- erik

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