On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 3:02 AM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> if folks have a problem with 9front it is not technical.  folks don't
> get that far.  it is because 9front appears to have defined itself in 
> criticism
> of people (not code).  and further defined itself by some offensive files.
> this makes 9front appear less than serious.

9front seems to me to define itself as: having fun while getting
useful stuff done. With an emphasis in *fun* and in not taking
anything too seriously, while one the technical side favoring
simplicity and things that work.

This might not be exactly the same original Plan 9 values, but seems
close enough. Of course in 9front there is also an element of trolling
and poking fun at itself and anything else, and I will be happy if
cat-v.org takes the blame for that.

>  to be honest, it's one of the reasons i've stopped following 9front.
> to paraphrase a saying in mathematics, it's not enough to be good
> you must also be humble.  why do you think dennis' ideas took
> over?

I think an important form of humility is not taking yourself too
seriously. For an example of this see Dennis' Anti-Foreword to The
UNIX-HATERS Handbook: http://simson.net/ref/ugh.pdf

9front can't claim to reach such exquisite levels of "seriousness",
but it tries.

I suspect one of the reasons why 9front exists is because some people
in the Plan 9 community this days seem to take themselves and the
whole project a bit too seriously.

Which is kind of weird for a project called after an Ed Wood film.


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