I'm impressed by the work Geoff, and others do on Plan9, and I'm not
talking about 9front at all.
Jim, Charles, and others made an excellent port for amd64,
which is cleaner that any other system I've seen. We used that
as a starting point for nix.

I think is childish to fork a system because the code sent to maintainers
is either not desired or good enough or whatever. most of us have our
own set of changes and exchange them at will.

The good think in plan 9 has always been the quality of the system
and the quality of its code, and I'd like it to stay that way and thank
Geoff for keeping it that way.

Just look at files that change in sources.  it's impressive the
amount of work still ongoing in plan 9.

As said before in this list, if you want Linux, you know where to
find it. I'm sure the standard there is not that high.

On Thursday, November 24, 2011, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>
>> This, to be honest, doesn't say much.
>> However, recently I stumbled over this:
>> http://www.sptechweb.com/content/article.aspx?ArticleID=35742&print=true
> geoff did cwfs, and has done more to maintain the system
> than the rest of us put together.  he has my respect for that.
> thanks, geoff.
> - erik

ipad kbd. excuse typos.

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