Hello erik,

Saturday, April 10, 2010, 4:26:09 AM, you wrote:

> On Fri Apr  9 16:21:35 EDT 2010, e...@sandien.com wrote:
>> Actually I would like to see this too.  Maybe if you could post the specs to
>> the list it would generally be helpful.

> here's what i've recently tested with 9atom:

> 1: (atom 330)
>         supermicro x7sla-h motherboard
>         supermicro 502l-200b chassis
>         2gb (2x1gb) memory

> and 2: (pineview d510, my terminal)
>         supermicro x7spa-h motherboard
>         same chassis
>         4gb (2x2gb sodimm)

> i recently tested a
>         supermicro x8sil-f motherboard
>         xeon x3440 2.53ghz processor
>         4gb (2x2) memory
>         tested outside a chassis.

> this is really a fast setup.  i was getting <3sec
> kernel builds (even compiling the myricom driver).
> i'm sure my slow fs was holding things back.

> cavets:
> 1.  use 2gb dimms.  there are strange requirements
> for multiple dimms per channel.

> 2.  use a recent 9atom, otherwise the board can't
> find any pci devices.

> - erik

I  have  an  ASUS P6T SE with a Core i7 and 4gb of ram and it can boot
with 9atom.iso and install. But something is happening that prevent it
to   boot  after  the install (i got a register dump. may be something
wrong happened when doing the format of 9fat :?).  Network also works.
And Vesa works at 1280x900x8 with an ati hd 5750. Monitor is  samsung p2250.

I'll  report if i  get it booting, but i think it should boot if was able
to install and the live cd works, no?

Best regards,
 Gabriel                            mailto:gd...@rejaa.com

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