On Feb 8, 2010, at 9:13 AM, David Leimbach wrote:

> If you try Erik's 9atom ISO, you may have better luck.  It'd be nice if the
> 9load changes he made were already rolled up into the standard ISO, but I
> guess they haven't made it yet?


Dave's suggestion could work.  Check the 9fans archive for the link to 

In the install instructions there is mention of IDE/ATAPI drive settings that 
you might want to look through.  I recently had an issue where I too had to 
explicitly set the CD/DVD drive as a "Secondary Master" and then instead of:

        boot from: sdC1!cdboot!9pcflop.gz

I used:

        boot from: sdD1!cdboot!9pcflop.gz

After that the install went smoothly.


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