> I did look around and the only possible problems I could find were > that maybe since I don't have Windows it was trying to look for the > FAT file (I'm strictly an only Linux user) in which case I do not have > VMWare and I'd be curious if there is a non-DOS ISO file that could > run on a Linux only system. The only other explanations that seemed > somewhat logical were that something went wrong in the pcirouting and > I missed something in the PC requirements listed on site or the ISO > file burned to my CD is faulty. > > Thoughts?
i put a modified 9load on sources /n/sources/contrib/quanstro/9load perhaps you would be able to download it and put it in your 9fat partition with the distribution cd? if not or doesn't work, send the output of lspci off line. the main problem is that the distribution cd is not recognizing your pata/sata devices. - erik