I've been scouring the Interwebs and haven't been able to find much of a solution.
Yesterday I decided to give P9 a try and burned the ISO file available on Plan 9's installation page here: http://plan9.bell-labs.com/wiki/plan9/download/index.html It was the direct link to the CD image so none of the other choices that are available below. After burning the image to CD, I restarted my computer with the primary booting option as the CD rather than the HD. I received the following: 1 FD 2.88 MB System Type (00) PBS1... Plan 9 from Bell Labs ELCR: 0CA0 pcirouting: South bridge 8086, 2812 not found no plan.ini cpu0: 1862 MHz P6 loop 105279 apm ax=f000 cx=f000 dx=fdf7 di=0 ebx=801c esi=10041c Boot devices: fd0 boot from: I've checked the requirements and my PC seems to be in order there. I did look around and the only possible problems I could find were that maybe since I don't have Windows it was trying to look for the FAT file (I'm strictly an only Linux user) in which case I do not have VMWare and I'd be curious if there is a non-DOS ISO file that could run on a Linux only system. The only other explanations that seemed somewhat logical were that something went wrong in the pcirouting and I missed something in the PC requirements listed on site or the ISO file burned to my CD is faulty. Thoughts? -E