2010/1/2 erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>:
> using xargs does work around the problem.  but then why not
> go all the way and remove ` from rc?  after all, ` only works some
> of the time?

because the limit is big enough that cases that break the
limit almost never happen except in this case?

> i'm not sure i understand when and why this would be useful.  nobody
> has a real worm anymore.  i can walk /sys/src in 0.5s.

you've got a fast system.
in at least one system i use, du -a of /sys/src takes about 25s.

and /sys/src isn't by any means the largest tree i like to grep
(for instance, searching for lost files with a name i longer remember,
i've been known to search through all the files in my home directory,
~425000 files at last count)

sometimes i think it would be nice if du had a breadth-first option.

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