> And can eat up a lot of memory or even run out of it.  On a
> 2+ year old MacBookPro "find -x /" takes 4.5 minutes for 1.6M
> files and 155MB to hold paths.  My 11 old machine has 64MB
> and over a million files on a rather slow disk. Your solution
> would run out of space on it.

modern cat wouldn't fit in core on the early pdps unix was
developed on!

just to be fair, could you fit your 1.6m files on your 11yu machine?
i'm guessing you couldn't.

> Basically this is just streams programming for arguments
> instead of data. 

that's fine.  but it's no excuse to hobble exec.  not unless
you're prepared to be replace argument lists with an argument

- erik

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